MSP Policies

Refund Policy

Private & Semi-Private Training

At MooreSports Performance, we do not offer refunds for Private & Semi-Private Training. It's important to note that all instructors at MooreSports Performance are independent contractors. In the unlikely event that your instructor is terminated or pursues other opportunities, we will transfer your remaining sessions to another instructor of MooreSports Performance. We are committed to ensuring that you receive the same high-quality training experience, no matter who your instructor may be.

Camps & Clinics

We understand that circumstances may arise that require you to cancel or reschedule your camp or clinic registration. However, we do not offer refunds for our camps and clinics. If you need to cancel your registration for any reason, we will credit your balance towards any other program or service we offer at MooreSports Performance. This credit is valid for one year from the date of cancellation and is non transferable. Please note that this policy applies only to camps and clinics offered by MooreSports Performance. Third-party programs or events hosted at our facility may have their own refund policies.

24 Hour Cancellation Policy

MooreSports Performance has a 24-hour cancellation policy for all private and semi-private training sessions. Due to the high volume of clients some of our instructors have, we require at least 24 hours' notice if you need to cancel your scheduled appointment. If you fail to cancel within 24 hours, you will be charged 40% of the session fee or you will forfeit the scheduled appointment. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at 770-833-7400. We appreciate your business and look forward to helping you achieve your athletic goals.